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10 Important Tips to Prevent Termites at Home

Termites are one of the most destructive pests in the world. They cause damage to our homes silently without even getting noticed. We only realize the presence of termites once they have caused severe damage to our property. They can destroy the structural integrity of the building. It is very important to take necessary actions and address the termite infestations promptly. In this article, we will explore 10 important tips and strategies that will help to remove termites at home.

Before understanding about the tips and strategies to prevent termites, it is essential to identify the signs of termite infestation in the house.

  • Mud tubes along the walls and wooden framework
  • Hollow sounding wood
  • Discarded wings on window rims and doors
  • Small holes in wood and furniture
  • Bubbling or cracked paint
  • Damaged floors and ceilings
  • Termite droppings on edges of doors and windows.

Here are important tips and strategies to prevent termites at home

1. Regular Inspections

It is important to conduct regular inspections for termite infestations in the house. Inspect your home thoroughly at regular intervals for signs of termite activity. Pay close attention to wooden framework, walls, and ceilings. basement and fences. These are the areas where termites are most likely to thrive. If you live in a high-risk termite-prone area, then the inspection becomes more important and it should be conducted frequently.

2. Remove termite Food Sources

Termites feed on mainly cellulose, which can be obtained from wood, grass, leaves, humus, paper, cardboard, and cotton. Most termites feed on partly decayed wood like dead trees or wood debris. Replace traditional mulch with alternatives to reduce the chances of infestation. Get rid of any unnecessary wooden items from your house as this can become a breeding ground for termites.

3. Create Physical Barriers

You can install a physical barrier around the perimeter of your house and pipe penetrations. This will block the termite entrance in the house. It consists of wide sheets that are placed underneath the slab of your building or around your home.  These sheets are secured with adhesives and cloth tape. You can also fix mesh screens in windows, vents, and other openings. This will bar termites from entering your property.

4. Use Termite Resistant Material

If you are building a new house or renovating your home, you can use termite-resistant materials to prevent them from infesting your property. These include cedar, teak, and redwood. It is important to use building materials like concrete, metal, and plastic composite that are resistant to termites. Doing this will protect your house from damage and save you from costly repairs.

5. Use Chemical Treatment

You can apply liquid termiticides or install bait stations for termite prevention. Liquid termiticides like permethrin, arsenic trioxide, and bifenthrin can be applied around your home’s foundation creating a barrier that will either repel or kill termites. Termite bait stations can be placed strategically inside your home where you see termite activity. The bait will attract them and eventually kill them.

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6. Reduce Moisture

Termites thrive in cool, damp environments and wood that is exposed to moisture. Leaky pipes, dripping faucets, and clogged drains create moisture issues that attract termites. Make sure to fix these plumbing issues promptly. Do not allow standing water sources in and around your house. You can use a humidifier to reduce the moisture in the house. This is a good investment if you are living in a humid area. Also, waterproofing your basement can help prevent termites from infesting your home.

7. Remove Clutter

It is very important to declutter your house to prevent all types of pests including termites. Cluttered homes are more susceptible to termites. Remove piles of newspapers, cardboard boxes, and magazines as they provide a suitable place for termites to thrive. If you do not clean the mess in the house, termite population will increase within a matter of days. Remove or treat any infested furniture, or else it will spread to other parts of your home quickly.

8. Landscaping

Maintain your yard by trimming the bushes and vegetation close to your home.  Termites can create a straight route to your home by using these plants and shrubs as bridges. All it takes is a small crack or gaps to invite termites into your home. Do not disturb the treated barriers around your home. Plant large trees at a distance from your home as large roots can cause cracks in the foundation that allow termite access to the structure.

9. Expose Infested Items to The Sun

If any furniture in your home is infested with termites, place them in direct sunlight for at least three to five days. Termites hate heat and light as they thrive in dark, damp places. Placing the infested items in the sun will help soak the moisture, eventually killing the termites. Dust the wooden structures and apply termite spray on them before bringing them inside the house.

10. Seek Professional Help

Dealing with termite infestation can be challenging and it is best to leave it to the professionals termite control services as they have the right knowledge and appropriate resources to handle these devastating pests.  They will assess the situation and identify the signs of infestation. Early detection can save your property from further damage and you can save on expensive replacements and repairs. They will also educate you on preventive tips to stop future infestations.


Termites are devastating and can wreak havoc and eat away the wooden framework of your house causing structural damage. They are persistent pests that feed on wood and live in dark, damp environments. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can prevent your house from termite infestations. Remember that, early detection, proper maintenance, and being vigilant of the signs of termite activity in the house are key to keeping your home termite-free. Hire the best pest control company Do not hesitate to seek professional assistance, if you are dealing with a severe infestation. It is important to note that prevention from termites is less costly than dealing with the infestation.

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